The Institute for Computer Engineering at the University of Lübeck (UzL), headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mladen Berekovic has extensive experience in the design and implementation of application-specific, energy-saving and safe The Institute for Computer Engineering at the University of Lübeck (UzL), headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mladen Berekovic has extensive experience in the design and implementation of application-specific, energy-saving and safe intelligent systems. Such systems were designed, for example, as a network of communicating sensor nodes for safe and robust processing platforms for use in industrial applications, robotics, and the automotive industry. Our expertise in the development of service oriented architectures and microservices for IIoT and intelligent systems is utilized in in a large number of ongoing projects related to Industrial Automation (Arrowhead Tools, Productive 4.0) and AI (KI-PRO, KI-IoT, NEUPA). UzL is responsible for the design of the overall architecture as well as implementation of dedicated secure AI accelerator units and the establishment of a corresponding virtual platform for design and overall evaluation.
Arrowhead categories
Arrowhead framework: User training
Arrowhead Manpower
Arrowhead Solutions
Domain Verticals
Smart City and Mobility
Internet of Things
Industry 4.0
Aeronautics, Space and Defence (ASD)
Geographic areas
Home country: Germany
Contact Details
Institute of Computer Engineering,
University of Lübeck
Building 64, Room 28,
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck,
Email: or
Phone: +49 451 3101 6322
Mobile:+49 01635317079
Fax:+49 451 3101 6304