LTU is one of the five major technology Universities in Sweden. LTU’s major focus is strategically driven in 9 strategic research and innovation areas i.e.Intelligent Industrial Processes, Future Mining,. LTU has since the 70s had close project, research and education collaboration with primary process industries. Process industries refining natural resources like forest, minerals and energy. These industries are typical pulp and paper, mines, enrichment plants, steel etc. LTU’s industrial interaction is organised through ProcessIT Innovation. Which is a joint undertaking between LTU and process industries and their processIT suppliers. Industries that are involved are e.g. ABB, Midroc, Metso, SSAB, LKAB, Boliden, SCA, SmurfiKappa, Komatsu Forest, BAE, Hagglunds drives, Billerud, Mondi and more than 40 SMEs.
Strategically LTU has defined ProcessIT a prioritised research area. Research topics includes topics like system control, embedded internet systems/services, computer science, computer communication, industrial electronics. Specifically LTU has competence regarding system of systems, real-time SW, wireless sensor and actuator networks, low power embedded systems design.
Thru the years LTU has built an extensive and very strong knowledge and experience in the area of large scale distributed control systems and applications for process industries mainly through project like Socrades, IMC-AESOP, Arrowhead, Prodiuctive4.0 and currently the Arrowehad Tools project.
Arrowhead categories
Arrowhead framework: Training, Developer
University courses on Arrowhead at Bachelor, Master and PhD level .
Company tailored courses on Arrowhead.
Domain Verticals
Internet of Things
Industry 4.0
Geographic area
Home country: Sweden
Contact Details
Jerker Delsing
Jan van Deventer
0046 920 49 33 16