Documentation model
The Arrowhead framework states a common approach of how to do documentation and how each document relates to each other. The documents structure is built on three levels. Namely: System-of-Systems, System and Service Level. The figure below depicts the 3 levels of the Arrowhead Documentation Templates and the links between these documents.
Currently most documentation files are available in Microsoft Word and Latex.

The Arrowhead Technical Documentation Model is further described in the generic SoSD and the templates to be used are to be found here.
The System of Systems Description (SoSD) describes how a number of systems can be combined to fulfill user needs.
The System of Systems Design Description (SoSDD) describes a deployed Arrowhead Cloud.
The System Description (SysD) describes the outer interfaces by referring to IDDs. and also defines the behavior of the system.
The System Design Description (SysDD) provides a white box description, describing which “Black box systems” the described system implements (by referring to one or more SysDs) and also which components are used to implement the system.
The Service Description (SD) contains an implementation independent description of the purpose and general idea behind the definition of the purpose. It is referred to from the IDD.
The Interface Design Description (IDD) contains all information needed to implement a provider and/or a consumer of that service. (I.e. technology, protocols, formats, encoding, syntax, semantics etc.)
If the same semantics (in depth description of an information object, e.g. “Temperature”) is used by more IDDs, that part is broken out to a Semantic Profile (SP) and then referred to from the IDDs. An IDD can refer to many SPs. Optional.
If the same technology( I.e. protocol) is used by more IDDs, that part is broken out to a Communication Profile (CP) and then referred to from the IDDs. Normally only one CP for each technology. Optional.